Tuesday, June 12, 2012

12 June 2012

On June 5, we just accepted three more dogs, Bertha, Lady, and Clint and five more cats. We now have accepted eleven dogs and five cats from Deming. I have mentioned the other dogs in previous updates: Crosby, Mama Mia, Cupcake, Simon, Lolita, Rita, Mona, and Dermott. I’ll describe and name the three new dogs. Laurie and our volunteer, Kristin, are working with all the cats.
Note that all the new animals need time to acclimate to FFAA. They have new friends to meet. Laurie spends a great deal of time working with each animal in order to get to know them and determine their needs.


Big Ben
Ben is a very large black Great Dane/Labrador mix. He is quite friendly. He has lived in several foster homes and has made it to FFAA. He is a real beauty.

Bertha (from Deming) is a 12 year old Shepherd mix with some arthritis. She is very sweet. She had a home with the mother (who died) of the woman in Deming that passed away. So this wonderful, older dog has had two homes and has now moved to Pie Town.

Bruce is special needs due to deformed legs/paws. As with all our disabled/special needs dogs he is quite sweet. When he was turned in to Albuquerque Animal Welfare the family said he was ill. No he is not sick but does have a deformity. He is quite friendly and is welcome to stay here forever or until some family chooses to give him all the love he deserves in their home.

Here we go, another wonderful Pitbull mix. The Pitbulls are such wonderful dogs. We have had a few adopted but still need more families to step forward. Laurie is very careful when we do adoptions. We want to place animals in loving homes that match the dogs temperament and needs along with the family’s lifestyle.

Clint is a 2 year old hound (from Deming). He is just adorable. This is another breed that needs to be placed in a home with a family that understands the breed. He will soon be placed up for adoption.

Lady is 7 to 8 years old and a German Shepherd (from Deming). She has some vision problems. She likes to get in and out of her pool. Jeannine brought Lady’s personal pool, a low, metal horse trough. In Deming she most likely used it most of the year. She is in and out of it here but come winter that won’t be needed. Lady is a good looking German Shepherd. Let’s hope someone that loves that breed can work with her and her vision problems.

Shiloh is a Black and Tan Coon Hound. She was adopted as a puppy from here and just came back to us. We always tell people that if they can’t keep an animal that we want it back. Shiloh is a beauty and should be adoptable. She is three years old now. Again, we need to be careful and match her to a perfect situation. Of course, we always try to make perfect matches. That helps prevent dogs returning. We always tell the families that we will take back any animal that isn’t working out. To the animal we just say “Welcome home!”

Winky, the one eyed cat
We accepted Winky from the East Side Shelter in Albuquerque. They didn’t think she would be adoptable. She had to have her left eye surgically removed. She is a Domestic Short Hair. Winky is settling in quite nicely and should be adoptable as special needs.

BIG JOHN ADOPTED Big John is a Great Pyranese and has moved to a home that has goats and sheep for him to guard. Here is an update about how it is going.
I got him home without a problem. Walked him from the car to the animal pens. Red, my Great Pyr/Akbash, came out to investigate and the two sniffed a bit but weren't pushy with each other. Since the goats and sheep were on pasture, I put him in the goat pen to start. Let my other dogs out and they sniffed through the fence while I did some chores. I went back in after a while and one of the dogs in the house with me went on alert -- I went out to find him lying on the concrete patio off the deck. I put him back in the pen. Half an hour later I went out to check on him and he was gone. I scouted around and called but couldn't find him. I grabbed my working dog and Tuck and I went out to move livestock back from pasture so I could focus on looking for him. Tuck had just moved all the stock out of the pasture when I noticed a very large white and gray dog running along the fenceline on the easement. Since I didn't recognize the dog, I thought it might be Big John except for the color. Red went charging over to run the dog off. Tuck and I moved the sheep and goats back to the pen, sorted everyone into their respective pens and went off looking for Big John. I can't walk along the fence line the entire way because of the downed trees, etc. so would have to cut into the fence line periodically to call so he knew which way I was heading. Got to the back fence line which is barb wire and he came off the easement and tried giving me the "I can't come through the barb wire" routine. Since I know the only way he got over to the easement was by going under the barbwire at the back of the property, I was't buying that. Tuck zapped through over to him and back to me a couple of times before Big John followed him and crawled under the fence. Red came up and gave me the "do you want me to run him off" look and I told Red it was okay (Red had been fine with him when I was with him, tried to run him off when he was on the other side of the fence without me, and was fine with letting him back on the property once I was there.) I took him back to the goat pen. He tried to walk up to the goats but they kept running. The goats are used to Red and don't react to him at all. Big John didn't do anything inappropriate but for whatever reason -- his size, his color (largely dark grey at that point) or simply that he was new -- really spooked the goats. Since he wasn't trying to chase them, I figured they'd all settle down and left them. Tuck let me know twice that he was trying to climb out of the pen. I guess I wasn't paying attention the third time because when I went out to check on him later, he was gone. That particular area is double fenced so he had to climb over the goat pen and then the working pen as well.
He ended up doing patrol with Red -- I heard both barking on and off all night and he was on Red's dog bed on the deck when I got up this morning.
I decided I wasn't going to be able to keep him penned so left him loose with Red when I went to ABQ this morning. He was on the deck when I got home (Red was with the sheep that had somehow gotten out of the pasture and were hanging out between the house and the sheep pen.)
He is, so far, fine with the house dogs and with Red. He isn't interested in the animals, but at least he isn't trying to chase any, and he is hanging around. So far, so good. I'd prefer to be able to pen him next to the livestock so he learns to bond with them, but the only area I have with a six foot fence is not close to the animal pens and the four foot fencing around the animal pens won't keep him in. As long as he patrols, staying with the livestock isn't as critical as Red will do that.

I have included a couple of photos of the trip and a couple of mom and Dusty on the love seat from when we got home. The cats came out and met her They felt comfortable enough to lounge in the living room with all of us. She spent a wee bit of time exploring the house and the yard. She seems to enjoy Christopher's garden space and the kitchen but when we came to the living room she was ready to join us. :)
We are going to let her rest tonight then tomorrow she will be visiting our local park and meeting a few of the friendly neighborhood dogs as well as a chance to sniff around and get familiar a bit more. We will be making the appointment for her rabies shot tomorrow and then after that getting her city license. Once she has that we will be introducing her to the smaller dog parks for a bit of socialization. She seems to be attaching herself to Mom and starting to follow her a bit more once she was done exploring. I will send you another update in a day or two with how she is adjusting to walks and city life. Does look like she will be a wonderful addition to the family. Thank you for recommending such a perfect match!
Sincerely, Samara

Smiley was adopted and moved to Farmington. This is a nice family with five children. The dad and two of the daughters came to get Smiley. Such a nice family. Smiley will go running with the girls. Here is an update: Smiley is a wonderful pet. He slept in Maysun's bed all night, except for me taking him outside on two occasions and an early 4 AM walk . He has already taken on guard duties at the house, by letting the neighbors know of his presence with a little bark. I don't think the cats approve though, but he leaves them alone. Today we are going to take a family vote on his new name, which would most likely be either "Woofy" or "Woof-Woof" as, Banas, our baby refers to him. Who knows, maybe we will use both. Nevertheless we will be sure to let you know of his name(s) when we decide. Thank you so much for allowing us to take Smiley home with us.

Here's a pic of Charlie sleeping w\ his rubber chicken. All my friends & I think I'm the luckiest adopter alive. Many thanks, Lynne. (Note, Mandy the Kuvasz also has a rubber chicken that she loves. She torments Rhea and Andrew by squeaking it so much that the chicken gets put up and only given to Mandy for special, short times of play. I guess I’ll have to look for one for my three dogs to share.)

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