Saturday, February 2, 2013

Monroe is adopted: 1st & 2nd Updates

1st Update:

He got home and we let him roam around the yard to check out his new place. He didn't want to go too far from us and hid under the car a few times but he started to warm up after a while a look around a bit. The kids got to spend some time with him. I really appreciate his quiet nature. He was very calm which allowed the kids to pet him and feel comfortable with him. They can't wait to play outside with him tomorrow. The weather was nice so we tried to put him in his outdoor kennel for the night but he cried a lot. I know he was probably missing his brother and sisters and felt alone so I brought him in the house and he has spent the last hour sleeping on my lap. He is now fast asleep on the living room floor.

He is absolutely precious and we are thrilled to have him.

Thanks again for all your help and we will keep you updated and send some pictures with him and the kids.

2nd Update:

Hi Laurie,

I started writing you yesterday to give you an update but I got side tracked. He is doing great. Bob decided to name him Von, after Von Miller of the Denver Broncos (He's a huge Denver fan). He already responds to his name. He had a little bit of a rough time adjusting at first. He was very clingy and would cry if I or Bob left the room. He likes the crate we brought him home in and uses it as his "safe place" when he gets scared. He was very reluctant to come out of it at first. He has since felt comfortable to roam around the house and has been checking out the yard although he stays pretty close to us.

He is very cautious and observant and does things in his own time, but he is warming up to his new environment just fine. He didn't eat much the first few days I'm assuming because he felt a little stressed out and scared. I did take him over to the water bowl often and he drank some. Yesterday he started to have an appetite again and he ate and drank well. Today he is eating and drinking normally.

He has been excellent at house training. He hasn't had a single accident since he has been here which is great because he has spent most of the time in the house with us. 

Von and Beau (our little Bichon Frise) are getting along well. Beau was a little jealous at first but he is warming up to Von and they were even playing together in the yard this morning.

Overall he is a great dog and a great fit for our family. 

That's great news about his brother Weber getting potentially adopted. He is a really sweet dog too....they all are. Hope the rest get adopted soon. I will spread the word about the Rescue and hopefully some other dogs can find a home too.

I am attaching a few pictures. One of Bob and Von, A couple of Von and our daughter Isabella, One of his new friend Beau, and one handsome shot of him checking out his new yard.
I will continue to send updates and pictures. Thanks for checking with us.

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