Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Roger Update

Roger has been with us since he was quite young.  He came with his mother and sister.  The mother got adopted quite a while ago and is very happy.  Roger, now Max, is a great dog but very shy.  Laurie has had him listed and now Richard and Cheryl have come forward.  They fell in love with Max on the internet.  They came and spent 2.5 hours with him.  Max looked very happy with them.  We think they have the energy Max needs to come out of his shell and have a great life.  Richard sent us two updates with a picture.  The updates are written as written by Max.  They have the little Pitbull mix named Rosie.  She is in one of the pictures.  This way, Max has a friend.  Even though he was shy with people he plays with other dogs.  Now we need to get his sister, Diva adopted. 
Dear Laurie
Made it to Rio Rancho with one rest stop. I showed them though and even got back into the truck, with a little persuasion. There is this yard that has nowhere to hide but it lets me move around without getting caught, although they left the lead on me and when night came put me into this small cave. I won though as they did not get me into the house! I showed them as i refused water or treats. I was locked up for the night but the two leggers left some treats and water in my cave. I ate them after they went to bed so they would not know I was taking anything from them.

In the morning the two leggers put more water and a bowl of food, only one cup though, into my cave. I showed them as I did not eat until after they had left and gone back into their big cave so they would not know. They left the door of my cave open and I am now wandering around the yard by myself.

I keep checking the hole that I came through when we arrived but so far it does not open. So far the two leggers have not chased me although the little white girl keeps coming out and says hello every now and then.

Seems as though in the past there was a dog named Max that meant something to these two leggers and they keep calling me Max. Can you believe, ME, being named after a Lab/Terrier cross?

Just wandering the yard trying to discover a way out. The fence isn't too high though but I don't quite know if I can jump it. Hey, bird bath water is not bad!    Love,  Max/Roger

Nobody is paying much attention to me right now.
Update June 7, 2013

They made me eat breakfast in the man cave today and then we went for a 2 1/4 mile walk. I showed them as I only bolted once when there was a jogger on the other side of the street. This afternoon it got over 90 here and they made me go into the man cave again and would not let me out until after dinner. These people are mean to me as they say that I have to go for a walk again tonight. I am also scheduled for a haircut Wednesday.

HELP these two legers won't leave me alone! They keep calling me Max.


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