Monday, March 4, 2013

Mona, adopted 2 March & update

 Jeanie adopted Sally last year.  Sally is a much loved companion.  There is also a large, quite old cat, Peanut, in the family.  Mona is a Chihuahua Terrier mix.  Here is Jeanie’s update about Mona and Sally and Peanut.

This has been hilarious. I think this turned out perfect.

Yesterday coming home Mona put her feet on the back seat kept & looking back, so I stopped and put her on my lap. Sally didn't think that was fair, so I drove(crept) along home with both dogs helping me drive.

Last night I got the bed ready and they slept with Mona in her bed and Sally laid her head on that bed and they kept kissing each other.

This morning I was nervous about leaving them while I went to church. But they were both there waiting to go out and potty.

Peanut, the cat, walked right up to Mona, sniffed, then licked her on the nose. Then she laid down to study her.

Late in the night, Peanut jumped up on the bed and it was so cute. How lucky can I get? We are going out to Brett & Treva's because the children want to meet Mona
How can I ever thank you. What a wonderful blessing this is. I did learn one thing.  Mona has to be on-leash to go outside. She loves to explore but I'm too old to chase her and lost my slipper in the snow. Barefoot, I don't run too fast up hill, or in the snow with no socks. I'm going to get a new battery for my camera so I can forward some of this cuteness on to you.

Getting ready for church they both laid down in the doorway to watch me dress. Then, they were certain they were going with me. That was two sad critters when I left them behind.

Godspeed Laurie you are in my prayers always. Without my "family" it would be dull and empty around here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Laurie, Sharon and the rest of the staff. Jeanie

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