Monday, October 1, 2012


Georgie was adopted on 29 Sep and has moved to the Rio Rancho area.

Here's her first update:
Thanks Sharon and Laurie.  The pictures are wonderful!  Thanks for sharing them.  Georgie girl is settling in real well.  She did GREAT on the ride home!  We stopped a couple of times so she could stretch a little and have a drink, and she was calm the rest of the time - sight seeing out all the windows and napping.  The family was very excited to welcome her home and she seemed pretty excited to be here.  Very wiggly!  Little pia Gizmo tried to set HIS pecking order but Miss Georgie calmly but firmly put him in his place.  We worked with them inside and outside and by bedtime everyone was fine.  Georgie slept in Kayla's room on her blanket, she and Kayla sat together half the ride home, so they are pretty bonded.  Kayla wants to take her to Petsmart so she can pick out her new bed and Georgie said ok.  She wasn't interested in her crate but we will leave it there in case she ever wants to use it.  Somehow I think her bed in Kayla's room will over ride. Ha-

Georgie has enjoyed exploring the back yard.  She ran around a few times yesterday and again this morning, wiggling and doing her happy little grumble noise.  She is nibbling at her food, but doesn't seem super hungry.  Drinking well, peeing well, and pooping well - both ends work!  She is a great addition to our family and we are grateful to you for rescuing her and keeping her safe until we could find her.  And who knows, she might even teach young Gizmo a thing or two!

We will send updates and pictures often.  Thanks again for all your help and all you do.  You have a truly amazing operation and an awesome pack!  Jody

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