Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fall Newsletter and Open House Info

Wants to Invite You to Our

It's a Pie Party
and You're Invited! 
the gang  
We're having an Open House on Saturday, September 14,2013 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at our sanctuary in Pie Town. 
The public is invited to come out and learn about our rescue mission and rehabilitation efforts for abused and unwanted animals.
 Meet our rescued dogs and cats ready to be adopted and have some fun!
 There will be refreshments, a craft table and give-a-ways.
For directions email us at or call 575-772-2661
 Pet food, cat litter and monetary donations are always welcomed. 
Fur and Feather Animal Assistance is a 501(c)(3) charity.
  Please come to Pie Town and enjoy the day with us!

Our Open House is the same day as the internationally known Pie Fest in Pie Town where we will also have a booth. 
It starts Saturday morning and runs until some time in the afternoon.
There will be lots of vendors, food and especially home made pie.  Both of our restaurants will be open that day.
There are pie eating contests for children and adults, games for children and even a Horned Toad race.
We always elect a Pie Festival Pie Queen. In the evening, there is a dance. During the dance, they auction off the pie contest winning pies.
Hurray For Purina!
A special thank you goes out to Purina for providing us with dog food and cat food last month. Purina called Laurie in July and said they had pet food for us. Ken, Brad, and Clay sprung into action and headed to Purina's Arizona facility to pick it up. Purina donated lots of food and what a happy sight that was when they rolled through the gates. Purina has generously donated to us in the past and every time we are grateful for their contribution. Thanks Purina - you rock, and thanks to those of you that donated food while we were waiting for this life saving event.
Visit Purina
Chanel is Zen   Chanel's        Corner

Beauty Tip: Coconut Oil
My friend Steve here at Fur and Feather is a border collie/herding dog who has been suffering from a serious skin condition since he got here. Laurie was told that using organic coconut oil topically and orally, might help. Well it did! Laurie told my mom Deb about it as well, and she has been using it on her skin and hair too with fantastic results. For more info about the uses for coconut oil go 
Our claim to Pie Festival fame:
One of our adopters was the winner of the 2009 pie-making contest with her Tomatoe Pie.

Things that we need:
Building Supplies
Dog Houses
Dog Runs
Dog Beds
Cat Beds
Cat Litter
Dog Food
Cat Food
Medical Supplies
Cash Donations
5th wheel trailer
House Trailer 
Actually we can use almost anything
A Successful Summer Raffle 
Kathy Knapp of Pie-O-Neer
We held our First Annual Summer Raffle on Saturday July 20 at the Pie-O-Neer Cafe in Pie Town. The raffle was part of Fur and Feather's pet food drive for the animals living at their sanctuary. Brad Beauchamp and Clay Schumacher of Fur and Feather conducted the selection and Kathy Knapp owner of the Pie-O-Neer Café drew the winning tickets. The winner of the grand prize Uberti 45-70 Lever Action Rifle (Sharps 1874 replica) was Byron Labelle of Albuquerque. Mike Rawl, owner of the Good Pie Café in Pie Town, won the dulcimer and Cole McKinley of Quemado won the Indian beaded buckskin jacket. Congratulations to all three of them!
Clay Schumacher very generously donated the Sharps 1874 replica rifle, Kathy and Stanley from the Pie-O-Neer the Indian beaded buckskin jacket and Don Deaett the dulcimer.
Kathy, Stanley and especially Megan (also from the Pie-O-Neer Cafe), worked hard and organized the spaghetti dinner on May 4 at the Community Center in Pie Town. They ran the dinner dance, dessert auction, and raffle that evening. All sharing desserts and dancing to Megan's band had great fun.  
The proceeds from that evening and from the raffle helped Fur and Feather feed and care for their animals last winter and spring through June and July. 

    Ella's "New" Story Ella on car ride home with new family

Pictured is Ella on her way home with her new family. Ella was one of our seniors. With only three legs and limited mobility (she proved us wrong). We thought she might have her forever home with us. That's why we're here - to provide or find forever homes to all animals that come to us. Ella's person spotted her on the Adopt-A-Pet website and decided to meet Ella here at the sanctuary. One cold, cold day in January her person drove all the way from Flagstaff, Arizona to Pie Town. Long story short, Ella left with her new family and began the most amazing chapter of her new life. Judging from the photo above, you can see she couldn't be happier. Ella's new mom (a veterinarian - lucky Ella!) wrote the following to us:
"She's incredibly loyal to me, and I have faith that she would go to the end of the world to take care of me if she thought it necessary.  Fortunately, the situation has been me taking care of her instead. 

I've used Ella as a story of hope and inspiration for friends and clients about no matter how many times life puts you down, or how long you have to wait, eventually things can still come your way",

This is just one of many reasons why we dedicate so much time and care all of the animals that come our way.
Thank you to all of the new "parents" that have adopted from us for sharing your lives and hearts with your new companions.
A Happy Girl Reunited with Her Family by Sharon Bostick

Some of you may know that FFAA works with the American Kennel Club and their Companion Animal Recovery program (AKC CAR).  We enroll all the tags on our animals-even those that already have a microchip when they arrive here-with AKC CAR In the past, we have had several dogs lost and found and returned to the family quickly. 
Here is a great story about a dog being lost and found recently. It turns out that Valentina decided to go for a walk and went to the neighbor's yard.  When the neighbor spotted Valentina in his back yard, he let her in the house and she immediately jumped on the couch and into his lap. He is new to the neighborhood and didn't know Valentina.  He read the 800 phone number for AKC CAR on Valentina's yellow identification tag and called them immediately.  They telephoned Laurie and she asked me to follow up.  I got out Valentina's family's contact information and I called both the gentleman that had Valentina and the the family.  It turned out she was right next door and returned immediately.  Such a happy ending for everyone.

I'm sending this to encourage everyone to implant a microchip in their animals and if you do it through us to be certain to give us updated contact information whenever there is a change.  Also, make sure that the animal wears their yellow id tag.  Of course, an animal can be scanned any time but in this case that wasn't necessary because the gentleman just read the phone number and her microchip number on her tag.

The AKC Recovery Program is a great way to keep your pets safe.  

Contact us at 575-772-2661 
PO BOX 555
PIE TOWN, New Mexico 87827
Fur and Feather Animal Assistance is a 501(c)(3) charity
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.  
From all of us regulars here, we hope to see you at the Open House!

Brad and Laurie Beauchamp,Clay Schumacher, Ken and Sharon Bostick, Kristen McCain, Cathy Acord (webmaster), Deb Pindzia, Troylyn Zimmerly, and Sarah Ross. We thank you and we appreciate you and everyone that supports the animals here at Fur and Feather.

Support Fur & Feather Animal Assistance by shopping through iGive every time you make a purchase online! Click below to join. It costs you nothing.

Fur and Feather Animal Assistance, Inc.
A permanent residential facility for dogs and cats designed for comfort, 
well being, and CARE for LIFE.
Where Every"One"Deserves a Chance. 

575-772-2661 Laurie Beauchamp
575-772-2543 Sharon Bostick
PO Box 555 Pie Town, NM 87827

email to: Look for adoption stories.

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