Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jonny Update

One quick story.  Monday, I went to the vet here in Las Cruces to get my heart worm medicine refilled.   On the other side of the room, checking out, was a neighbor.  I tried to speak with her, however, she didn't recognize me at first.  As I watched her, she was very distraught.  Come to find out she had brought he long time companion in to be "put down".
On my way home, I stopped by her house to say how sorry I was to learn of her loss.  She asked me to take all the dogie things she had.  I did.  She put a dozen or so toys into a box and I brought them home.  Set the box down in the house and went about my normal choirs.  An hour or so later, when I pass by the box, the toys were spread out all over the room and guess who was examining each and every one of them -- Jonny.  
Now, for the past several days,  I pick up the toys & return them to the box.  Jonny then proceeds to pick them out one-by-one and to play with them for a few moments.  I had never experienced this behavior in the past and find it quit amusing.  As a scientist, I am curious to understand what is his criteria for selecting the toys.  So far I see no pattern! 
I am very happy to support Fur & Feathers since I very much agree with your mission.   I hope to continue support in the future.   Lulu , Jonny & I are hoping to make it back to Pie Town in 2 weeks for the up-coming festival.
Hope to have more stories later...
Best Regards,
Bob Rader

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