Friday, August 24, 2012

Ringo aka Cody Update

Cody came exactly as advertised!!! He has stayed right beside me most of the time, and we are actually happy to see him beginning to branch out a little. Sleeps under our bed, enjoys being right beside me on the couch. We have been to the Vet and had a grooming. All went well! The funniest thing ever: Sugar and Cody pretty much spent 4 days doing a great job of ignoring each other. No problems no anger no nothing. Yesterday morning at 6 am Larry and I heard a scuffling and lo and behold it was as though they had just noticed each other and were delighted! They played for several minutes jumping around with each other. My only regret is that they picked 6 am to do it--but it was a very welcome event! Since then they have played several times a day, and are enjoying each other about 5 feet away as I write this. Larry has taken them for walks and Cody does great on the leash too. No accidents at all in the house, but Cody has to figure out that the patio isn't where to go......All that will work out! I am sending you another picture of after his grooming. Barb (the groomer) said he was perfect, even let her trim between his toes and grind his nails. Never moved. (Oh by the way, I have been talking you guys up again. The groomer's name is Barb. She rescued a dog awhile ago who tends to run off. Says she thinks Duke needs a companion. She will be calling. ) Also I took pictures of Honey and Rustler up to my neighbors who have their name on a Golden Retriever puppy list but they seemed interested in rescue.....I'll keep working on it!
Note, this family adopted Sugar from FFAA about a year ago. Cody was smart enough to go slow with Sugar it was interesting to watch. They slept together cuddling up last night. Thanks again for sharing him with us. Now we have two dogs that amaze people with their behavior and looks, they are envious. Cheyrl is encouraging everyone to go to your web site or call. Just yesterday she invited neighbors over to show her your website, she was not into computers so Cheyrl help. Larry and Cheyrl

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