Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Johnny Updates for July


We introduced Johnny to a bath this morning. He wasn't quite sure about this thing, but, he finally made it through. Then he immediately went out to the back 40 to take a doggy bath in the dirt. Went out later to get some more food for him. he is adapting very very well to his new surroundings. He is an incredible dog. Really impressed and quite very happy. I'm especially happy with the way he takes to Lulu -- this is GREAT! Early afternoon we all went for a stroll around the neighborhood.

I will keep Johnny close around & in the house and on a leash for some time till he gets fully and completely adapted to his new environment. No problem in the back yard as it is well fenced. In addition to the rock wall I installed cattle panels to keep Rex from jumping over the wall in the beginning. Johnny, however, seems to sense that this is his new life. He appears (I know it's only been 1 day) to be adapting quickly and well. I am just so impressed with him and can't thank all of you enough for raising such a wonderful animal.

I will try to write more next week and include some pictures of his new surroundings.

Best Wishes For Now,                Regards,     Bob

Tuesday July 23, 2013

Four days and all is going fantastic. What a marvelous dog you raised in Johnny. He has taken to being an indoor/outdoor, but mostly indoor house dog. He has been doing great & much surpassing any expectations we could have had for a dog. I am so very much impressed. I think Johnny feels the same towards us. He has adapted well and seems very very happy.

Took him out this morning to one of the irrigation canals near the Rio Grande and we were able to go without the leash. I thought it would take another week or so, however, he told me this morning he was ready! He enjoyed running and exploring along the canal. Even taking a dip or two. I was beginning to think he didn't like water after the bathing experience on Saturday. However, he showed me wrong, he showed me he was as much a dog as any dog -- enjoying a cool dip in the well pumped water running in the canal at this time of the year. He knows and responds very well to his name. I had only a very slight hesitation to let him run, but he came back quickly when called. I then knew he was ready to expand his universe.

After his run this morning we went to the feed store to stock up on dog food and I saw a squeaky dog toy. Bought it for him -- he loves it! He has been attacking it all afternoon. He really likes to make it squeaks. I knew he was ready for a toy when I saw him this past Saturday. He found a mouse in the house and attacked it & played with it -- I only wish it hadn't been from the computer!

He stays by me all day. At present I am at my computer writing to you. Johnny is under the computer table sleeping at my feet. I noticed last Friday at your place he liked to go under the bed. Well he likes it here as well. Rex used to live under the bed, I have it slightly elevated to allow this to happen. Johnny now has decided that he likes being beneath the bed. I put back the rug I had under the bed when I had Rex. Now it's a bit more comfortable for him and easier for me to maintain. During the night he still prefers to sleep on his special blanket on the floor over by the TV. He sleeps well all night and seems to wake up about 4 or 5 in the morning. Not a problem as I am an early riser also.

My camera battery gave out on me this morning and needed to be recharged so consequently I don't have the pictures I promised. Should have some next time I write. He is so cute and I love when he experiences something new. His half folded ears pull forward and he gets this very cute inquisitive look on his face. He seems to love everything. I am so happy to have him but realize that he was the same when he was with you. All I can say is thank you so very much for raising such a wonderful dog from that tiny puppy. Please know he will have a wonderful life and experience (for us both) here in Las Cruces.

Best Wishes & Regards,
July 29, 2013

Just a quick update for Johnny.

He is doing very very well. He is adapting well and loves being a house dog. He does have something about 4 AM in the morning -- he feels that is the time for all of us to get up, go out and play -- UG! It starts as a gentle nuzzle or lick of my hand, then it becomes verbal and if I still don't respond it goes to a full bark, but only one! What a card he is! He has also become a real lap dog and I am reminded of your writing about putting him on your shoulder when he was little. When I sit down in my recliner he is quick to ask permission if he can join me and the answer is usually yes. He then jumps up on my lap proceeds to get as comfortable as possible and goes to sleep.

We are going out every day and he is now enjoying being able to run around the fields near the house as we walk. All the time checking back with me then going on to explore more things, then checking back again. He was so happy Sunday, he was running, at close to top speed, very large circles around Lulu & myself as we walked in a pecan orchard near the house. Then there's the grazing! He loves to graze on the grass. Fortunately I have a large patch in the back yard for him. Then there's the canal & ditch water when he gets hot -- could he possible be part sheep & part alligator?

By For Now,  Bob, Lulu & Johnny

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